Arabic: Football Insole - النعل الداخلي لكرة القدم

ORTHO MOVEMENT أثناء لعب كرة القدم، ينشأ لديك حمل متزايد يبلغ حوالي 7-8 أضعاف وزن جسمك بسبب مرحلة بدء إنطلاق الحركة، والتي تحدث أثناء الركضات والقفزات. تُعد أنماط الحركة المُعقدة وأنماط الجهد في ا...

Tiếng Việt: Football Insole Tech

VẬT LIỆU VENTILATIONCác lỗ thông qua cả ba vật liệu làm tăng thông gió. Nó cũng giảm thiểu nguy cơ chafing.NÂNG ĐỠ GIỮA VÒM BÀN CHÂNPhần nâng đỡ chân theo chiều dọc được thiết kế độc đáo để phù hợ...

한국어: Football Insole Tech

통풍을 위한재료 모든 세가지 재료에 있는 구멍들은 통풍효과를 끌어올려 주는 역할을 합니다. 가장 상단에 있는 재질은 박테리아 번식을 막아주며, 냄새를 막아줌으로서 선수의 발에 대응하게 됩니다. 또한 피부 마찰을 줄여주는 역할을 합니다. 충격 완화 장치초록색 벌집 모양 패턴은 가해지는 압력을 분산시키고, 충격을 완화하고, 신발 안창의 무게를 줄여 ...

മലേഷ്യൻ: Football Insole Tech

MATERIAL PENGUDARAANPerforasi melalui ketiga-tiga material meningkatkan kapasiti pengudaraan. Lapisan pertama adalah antibakteria, telah dinyahbau dan berupaya mengatasi kaki makan air (Athlete's ...

适应性: Football Insole Tech

内侧足弓支撑足弓支撑的独特设计增加了稳定性,并且适合各种类型的脚。根据解剖学原理的脚跟杯根据解剖学原理,后跟杯在脚跟下方分配压力,通过组合脚后跟的脂肪垫并增强其自然功能来减轻负荷。 减震区独特的红色减震区减少了后跟的负荷。减震材料绿色蜂窝状图案可分散压力,增加减震效果并减少鞋垫重量。稳定材料灰色E.V.A材料在足跟周围区域,足部中部以下提供额外支撑和减震的组合,可减少旋转力。个性化您的...

ภาษาไทย: Football Insole Tech

วัสดุระบายอากาศ :การที่วัสดุมีรูให้อากาศแซกผ่านทั้งสามชั้นช่วยเพิ่มความสามารถในการระบายอากาศให้กับแผ่นรองร้องเท้าโดยวัสดุชั้นบนจะช่วยฆ่าเชื้อแบคทีเรีย ดับกลิ่นและรับแรงกระแทกจากเท้าของนักกีฬา นอกจ...

Italiano: Football Insole Tech

MATERIALE AMMORTIZZANTELa conformazione a nido d’ape di colore verde redistribuisce la pressione, aumenta l’assorbimento degli urti e riduce il peso della soletta.MATERIALE STABILIZZANTEIl materia...

Description & Specs

Designed after football players pressure & movement pattern while being active in field. While playing football, you have an increased load of about 7-8 times your body weight due to the flight phase that occurs during runs and jumps. The complexity of motion and pressure patterns in different directions and the impact of artificial grass vs. natural grass field are some of the factors that places great demands on your equipment. We have collected data from football players different feet from around the world. This data, as well as the players pressure pattern and the design of today's football boots, forms the basis for Football Insole's design and function. The purpose of Football Insoles are to reduce the load on the players muscles and joints, to create better conditions for all players who love the game, regardless your level or age. Upgrade your football boots today!

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Football Insole

Our mission at om is to break the human limits to experience more. Inspired by movement. Powered by passion. Move with us, and feel the joy.

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