适应性: Junior Insole Tech

儿童鞋垫专为儿童和青少年的柔软、敏感且灵活的双足而设计。我们的鞋垫结合了30年的矫形研究与创新材料,旨在为各种活动提供最佳支撑、减轻负荷及缓冲冲击。无论您的孩子是在学校活跃还是热爱运动,这些鞋垫都能根据他们的运动方式进行调整,从而提升表现与舒适度。 表层减少摩擦和水泡的风险。请先将鞋内原有的鞋垫取出。 将新的儿童鞋垫放入鞋内,确保尺寸合适。如有需要,可剪去多余部分进...

Description & Specs

We combine 30 years of orthopedic research with new innovative materials to provide insoles optimized for different activities. The product provides comfort and aligns movement in order to create better conditions for children and young adults who love to be active in school or doing sports. We hope that you’ll love it!

Satisfaction guarantee

This product is covered by our satisfaction guarantee, which you can read more about here

Junior Insole

Our mission at om is to break the human limits to experience more. Inspired by movement. Powered by passion. Move with us, and feel the joy.

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