适应性: Golf Insole Tech

简体中文翻译 无论您是一位拥有多年经验的资深高尔夫球手,还是刚踏上高尔夫之旅,我们的高尔夫鞋垫都旨在帮助您在每次挥杆时实现更好的平衡、力量和精准度。符合人体工学的设计促进正确的姿势调整,并有效减少疲劳,从而使您在整场比赛中始终保持最佳状态。通过提升稳定性并减轻足部及下半身的负担,我们的鞋垫能显著改善您的整体高尔夫体验。 在 Orthomovement,我们深信合适的装备能够产生决定性影响。因...

Description & Specs

Unlike other insoles, our Golf Insoles are made from firm yet lightweight material that offers high-bounce performance to keep you going through 18+ holes, minimize imbalance during your swing, and ensure the best possible accuracy. From the grass to the rough to the bunker, OM supports your golf game.

A simple pair of insoles provide better support for your feet during motion, and reduce empty space, ensuring less motion. The result? More power to the clubhead, longer flights, and less chance of injury. However, our Golf Insoles are specially designed to deliver even more benefits.

Satisfaction guarantee

This product is covered by our satisfaction guarantee, which you can read more about here

Golf Insole

Our mission at om is to break the human limits to experience more. Inspired by movement. Powered by passion. Move with us, and feel the joy.

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