Arabic: Running Insole - النعل الداخلي للركض

ORTHO MOVEMENT  أثناء الركض، ينشأ لديك حمل متزايد يبلغ حوالي 3-5 أضعاف وزن جسمك بسبب مرحلة بدء إنطلاق الحركة، والتي تحدث أثناء الركض، ويضع هذا الكثير من المتطلبات على جسمك. قمنا بجمع بيانات أقدام م...

Description & Specs

While running, you have an increased load of about 3-5 times your body weight due to the flight phase that occurs during running. This places great demands on your equipment. We have collected data from runners’ different feet from around the world. This data, as well as the running pressure pattern and the design of today's running shoes, forms the basis for Running Insole's design and function. The purpose of Running Insoles are to reduce the load on the runners’ muscles and joints, to create better conditions for all runners who love to run, regardless if you are an occasional or professional runner.

Satisfaction guarantee

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Running Insole

Our mission at om is to break the human limits to experience more. Inspired by movement. Powered by passion. Move with us, and feel the joy.

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